Monday, December 21, 2009

The Classic French Omelet

"a French omelet great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!"

Items needed: For each omelet: 3 eggs (just 2 eggs for a smaller omelet), 1 tablespoon milk, 1/4 cup shredded cheese, butter.

Mix eggs & milk with a fork until blended. In a non-stick omelet pan melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium-high heat, when butter stops foaming pour in eggs, swirling around pan to distribute evenly. Cook, lifting sides of omelet to let uncooked egg flow underneath, until almost set (about 1 minute), quickly sprinkle cheese over half of omelet. Fold plain side of omelet over cheese and cook for an additional 20 seconds. Serve at once. Salt & pepper to taste.

***Do not salt eggs before or during cooking. Salt can cause the eggs to become tough tough during cooking, so for best results salt eggs (if desired) only after cooking.


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